Host Status in orcharhino

In orcharhino, each host has a global status that indicates which hosts need attention. Each host also has sub-statuses that represent status of a particular feature. With any change of a sub-status, the global status is recalculated and the result is determined by statuses of all sub-statuses.

Host Global Status Overview

The global status represents the overall status of a particular host. The status can have one of three possible values: OK, Warning, or Error. You can find global status on the Hosts Overview page. The status displays a small icon next to host name and has a color that corresponds with the status. Hovering over the icon renders a tooltip with sub-status information to quickly find out more details. To view the global status for a host, in the orcharhino management UI, navigate to Hosts > All Hosts.


No errors were reported by any sub-status. This status is highlighted with the color green.


While no error was detected, some sub-status raised a warning. For example, there are no configuration management reports for the host even though the host is configured to send reports. It is a good practice to investigate any warnings to ensure that your deployment remains healthy. This status is highlighted with the color yellow.


Some sub-status reports a failure. For example, a run contains some failed resources. This status is highlighted with the color red.

Search syntax

If you want to search for hosts according to their status, use the syntax for searching in orcharhino that is outlined in the sources/guides/administering_orcharhino.adoc#Searching_and_Bookmarking_admin chapter of the Administering orcharhino guide, and then build your searches out using the following status-related examples:

To search for hosts that have an OK status:

global_status = ok

To search for all hosts that deserve attention:

global_status = error or global_status = warning

Host Sub-status Overview

A sub-status monitors only part of a host’s capabilities.

Currently, orcharhino ships only with Build and Configuration sub-statuses. There can be more sub-statuses depending on which plugins you add to your orcharhino.

The build sub-status is relevant for managed hosts and when orcharhino runs in unattended mode.

The configuration sub-status is only relevant if orcharhino uses a configuration management system like Ansible, Puppet, or Salt.

To view the sub-status for a host, in the orcharhino management UI, navigate to Hosts > All Hosts and click the host whose full status you want to inspect. You can also view substatus information in the hover help for each host.

In the Properties table of the host details' page, you can view both the global host status and all sub-statuses.

Each sub-status can define its own set of possible values that are mapped to the three global status values.

The Build sub-status has two possible values – pending and built that are both mapped to global OK value.

The Configuration status has more possible values that map to the global status as follows:

sub-statuses that map to the global OK status

During the last run, some resources were applied.


During the last run, some resources would be applied but your configuration management integration was configured to run in noop mode.

No changes

During the last run, nothing changed.

No reports

This can be both a Warning or OK sub-status. This occurs when there are no reports but the host uses, for example, an associated configuration management proxy or always_show_configuration_status setting is set to true, it maps to Warning.

Sub-status that maps to the global Error status

This indicates an error during configuration, for example, a run failed to install a package.

sub-statuses that map to the global Warning status
Out of sync

A configuration report was not received within the expected interval, based on the outofsync_interval. Reports are identified by an origin and can have different intervals based upon it.

No reports

When your host uses a configuration management system but orcharhino does not receive reports, it maps to Warning. Otherwise it is mapped to OK.

Search syntax

If you want to search for hosts according to their sub-status, use the syntax for searching in orcharhino that is outlined in the Searching and Bookmarking chapter of the Administering orcharhino guide, and then build your searches out using the following status-related examples:

You search for hosts' configuration sub-statuses based on their last reported state.

For example, to find hosts that have at least one pending resource:

status.pending > 0

To find hosts that restarted some service during last run:

status.restarted > 0

To find hosts that have an interesting last run that might indicate something has happened:

status.interesting = true

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