Overview of hosts in orcharhino

A host is any Linux client that orcharhino manages. Hosts can be physical or virtual.

You can deploy virtual hosts on any platform supported by orcharhino, such as Amazon EC2, Google Compute Engine, libvirt, Microsoft Azure, Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager, oVirt, Proxmox, RHV, and VMware vSphere.

With orcharhino, you can manage hosts at scale, including monitoring, provisioning, remote execution, configuration management, software management, and subscription management.

Browsing Hosts in orcharhino management UI

In the orcharhino management UI, you can browse all hosts recognized by orcharhino, grouped by type:

  • All Hosts – a list of all hosts recognized by orcharhino.

  • Discovered Hosts – a list of bare-metal hosts detected on the provisioning network by the Discovery plugin.

  • Content Hosts – a list of hosts that manage tasks related to content and subscriptions.

  • Host Collections – a list of user-defined collections of hosts used for bulk actions such as errata installation.

To search for a host, type in the Search field, and use an asterisk (*) to perform a partial string search. For example, if searching for a content host named server.example.com, click the Content Hosts page and type server* in the Search field. Alternatively, *ver* will also find the content host server.example.com.

orcharhino Server is listed as a host itself even if it is not self-registered. Do not delete orcharhino Server from the list of hosts.

Overview of the host columns

Below is the complete overview of columns that can be displayed in the host table divided into content categories. Some columns fall under more than one category. For more information on how to customize columns in the host table, see selecting host columns.

  • Power – Whether the host is turned on or off, if available

  • Name – name of the host

  • Operating system – operating system of the host

  • Model – host hardware model (or compute resource in case of virtual hosts)

  • Owner – user or group owning the host

  • Host group – host group of the host

  • Last report – time of the last host report

  • Comment – comment given to host

  • Name – name of the host

  • Operating system – operating system of the host

  • Installable updates – numbers of installable updates divided into four categories: security, bugfix, enhancement, total

  • Lifecycle environment – lifecycle environment of the host

  • Content view – content view of the host

  • Registered – time when the host was registered to orcharhino

  • Last checkin – last time of the communication between the host and the orcharhino Server

  • IPv4 – IPv4 address of the host

  • IPv6 – IPv6 address of the host

  • MAC – MAC address of the host

Reported data
  • Sockets – number of host sockets

  • Cores – number of host processor cores

  • RAM – amount of memory

  • Boot time – last boot time of the host

  • Virtual – whether or not the host is recognized as a virtual machine

  • Disks total space – total host storage space

  • Kernel Version – Kernel version of the host operating system

  • BIOS vendor – vendor of the host BIOS

  • BIOS release date – release date of the host BIOS

  • BIOS version – version of the host BIOS

Puppet (only if the Puppet plugin is installed)
  • Environment name – name of the Puppet environment of the host

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