Upgrading orcharhino Server (Offline)

Use this guide to upgrade orcharhino Server in a disconnected environment using ISO images. See the orcharhino Release Notes for a high level overview of available versions and their features. For more information, see Upgrading orcharhino Server.

This is an advanced upgrade method. ATIX AG recommends that you contact us first if you want to upgrade orcharhino Server in a disconnected environment.

ATIX provides guided upgrades performed by our consultants as part of our support subscriptions. Please contact us if you would like to make use of this service.

Ensure that you carefully read all of the instructions, warnings, and recommendations presented in this guide and the appropriate version specific orcharhino Upgrade Notes in the ATIX Service Portal. ATIX AG does not offer support for recovery from a failed upgrade if you did not follow our upgrade guide.

ATIX AG does not support using third party repositories on your orcharhino Server or orcharhino Proxy Servers. Resolving package conflicts or other issues due to third party or custom repositories is not part of your orcharhino support subscription. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Preparing the Content

Use this procedure to prepare the content for orcharhino Server 6.11. This example uses AlmaLinux but you can adapt this procedure to install orcharhino Server 6.11 on AlmaLinux or Oracle Linux.

  1. Transfer the orcharhino offline ISO image and AlmaLinux 8.10 ISO image to /var/offline_iso/ to your orcharhino Server 6.10.

  2. Mount the orcharhino offline ISO image:

    # mkdir -p /media/or_iso
    # mount -o loop /var/offline_iso/orcharhino-6.11-almalinux-8.iso /media/or_iso/
  3. Mount the AlmaLinux 8.10 ISO image:

    # mkdir -p /media/os_iso
    # mount -o loop /var/offline_iso/AlmaLinux-8.10-x86_64-dvd.iso /media/os_iso/
  4. Empty all repository files:

    # for f in /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo; do echo "" > "${f}"; done
  5. Use the mounted ISO images as repositories in /etc/yum.repos.d/orcharhino.repo:

  6. Update the dnf cache:

    # dnf makecache

Performing the Upgrade

Use this procedure to upgrade orcharhino Server from orcharhino 6.10 to orcharhino 6.11.

  1. Check the version specific upgrade steps for orcharhino 6.11.

  2. Backup your orcharhino Server:

    ATIX AG recommends running orcharhino Server as a virtual server and performing a system snapshot at this point. For more information, see Backing Up orcharhino.

  3. Update and list the versions known to your orcharhino Server:

    # dnf upgrade orcharhino-maintain-definitions
    # orcharhino-maintain upgrade list-versions
  4. Upgrade your orcharhino Server:

    # orcharhino-maintain upgrade run --target-version 6.11
  5. In the orcharhino management UI, navigate to Administer > About.

  6. On the Backend System Status tab, ensure that each component is listed with status OK.

Performing automated upgrade by using Ansible playbook

You can upgrade orcharhino Server using an Ansible playbook and ISO images of AlmaLinux or Oracle Linux 8.10 and orcharhino.

  1. Download the ISO images and Ansible playbook and place them in /var/offline_iso/ on your orcharhino Server. You can find the expected names and URLs of the ISO images in the Ansible playbook. For more information and the URLs, see Offline Installations and Upgrades in the ATIX Service Portal.

  2. Set the token and checksum from the ATIX Service Portal in playbook.yaml.

  3. Run the Ansible playbook to upgrade orcharhino Server using ISO images:

    # ansible-playbook --extra-vars "target_orcharhino_version=6.11" playbook.yaml