Configuring hosts by using Salt
Salt is a configuration management solution in orcharhino. You can use Salt to configure hosts similar to Ansible and Puppet.
Import Salt States, assign them to Salt Environments, and associate those Salt Environments with hosts or host groups.
Use orcharhino as an external node classifier (ENC) for Salt. Set Salt Variables for Salt States similar to Puppet smart class parameters. orcharhino parameters are made available as Salt Pillars which can in turn be used as variables in Salt States, too.
View config management reports and facts called Salt Grains in orcharhino.
Run arbitrary Salt functions, for example
from the management UI.
Introduction to Salt
This guide describes how to use Salt for configuration management in orcharhino. This guide contains information about how to install the Salt plugin, how to integrate orcharhino with an existing Salt Master, and how to configure hosts with Salt.
Salt offers two distinct modes of operation: Clientless using SSH or the Salt Minion client software. Salt plugin in orcharhino supports exclusively the Salt Minion approach. |
The official Salt documentation is a good entry point when starting with Salt.
You can download the Salt packages from the official Salt package repository at
Salt architecture
You need a Salt Master that either runs on your orcharhino Server or orcharhino Proxy Server with the Salt plugin enabled. You can also use an existing Salt Master by installing and configuring the relevant orcharhino Proxy features on the existing Salt Master host.
For more information on installing a Salt Master, consult the official Salt documentation.
Hosts are referred to as Salt Minions.
Information in form of key-value pairs gathered from Salt Minions is referred to as Salt Grains.
Configuration templates are referred to as Salt States.
Bundles of Salt States are referred to as Salt Environments.
Use the same Salt version on the Salt Master as you are using on your Salt Minions. You can use content management in orcharhino to provide hosts with the correct version of the Salt Minion client software.
Port | Protocol | Service | Required For |
4505 and 4506 |
Salt Master to Salt Minions |
9191 |
Salt API |
Installing the Salt plugin
To configure hosts with Salt, you must install the Salt plugin.
Select Salt as a configuration management system during step five of the main orcharhino installation steps. Choosing this option installs and configures both the Salt plugin and a Salt Master on your orcharhino. |
On your orcharhino Server, install the Salt plugin:
$ orcharhino-installer \ --enable-foreman-plugin-salt \ --enable-foreman-proxy-plugin-salt
Configuring Salt
After you have installed the Salt plugin, you need to connect it to a Salt Master. This is required when adding Salt support to an existing orcharhino installation, when adding an existing Salt Master to orcharhino, or when setting up Salt on orcharhino Proxy.
If you select Salt during the main orcharhino installation steps, the installer automatically performs those steps on your orcharhino. Use the following sections to manually install Salt on your orcharhino Server or orcharhino Proxy. |
Perform all actions on your Salt Master unless noted otherwise. This is either your orcharhino Server or orcharhino Proxy Server with Salt enabled.
Configuring Salt on orcharhino Server
You need to configure orcharhino Server to use the Salt plugin.
On your orcharhino Server, extend the
file to allow theforeman-proxy
user to run Salt:Cmd_Alias SALT = /usr/bin/salt, /usr/bin/salt-key foreman-proxy ALL = NOPASSWD: SALT Defaults:foreman-proxy !requiretty
On your orcharhino Server, add a user called
to access the Salt API:$ adduser --no-create-home --shell /bin/false --home-dir / saltuser $ passwd saltuser
Enter the password for the Salt user twice.
The command
adduser saltuser -p password
does not work. Using it prevents you from importing Salt States.
Authenticating Salt Minions using Salt autosign Grains
Configure orcharhino to automatically accept Salt Minions using Salt autosign Grains.
Add the reactor to the
event. -
Copy the Salt runners into your
runners directory. The directory depends on your/etc/salt/master
config. If it is configured to use/srv/salt
, create the runners folder/srv/salt/_runners
and copy the Salt runners into it.$ mkdir -p /srv/salt/_runners $ cp /usr/share/foreman-proxy/salt/runners/* /srv/salt/_runners/
Restart the Salt Master service:
$ systemctl restart salt-master
Enable the Salt reactors and runners in your Salt Environment:
$ salt-run saltutil.sync_all
Authenticating Salt Minions using host names
Configure orcharhino to authenticate Salt Minions based on their host names.
This relies on the autosign.conf
file that stores the host names of Salt Minions the Salt Master accepts.
On your Salt Master, add the
user that is running Salt to theroot
user group:$ usermod -a -G foreman-proxy root
On your Salt Master, enable the
file in/etc/salt/master
:autosign_file: /etc/salt/autosign.conf permissive_pki_access: True
On your Salt Master, create the
file and set appropriate ownership and permissions:$ touch /etc/salt/autosign.conf $ chown root:foreman-proxy /etc/salt/autosign.conf $ chmod 660 /etc/salt/autosign.conf
Enabling Salt Grain uploads
Hosts running the Salt Minion client software can upload Salt Grains to orcharhino Server or orcharhino Proxy Server. Salt Grains are collected system properties, for example the operating system or IP address of a Salt Minion.
On your Salt Master, edit
::proto: https :host: :port: 443 :ssl_ca: "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ssl_ca.pem" :ssl_cert: "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/client_cert.pem" :ssl_key: "/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/client_key.pem" :timeout: 10 :salt: /usr/bin/salt :upload_grains: true
Configuring the Salt API
Configure the Salt API on your Salt Master.
On your Salt master, edit
::use_api: true :api_auth: pam :api_url: :api_username: saltuser :api_password: password
Ensure to use the password of the previously created
Activating Salt
Use this procedure to activate Salt plugin on your orcharhino.
On your Salt Master, restart all Salt services:
$ systemctl restart salt-master salt-api
On your orcharhino Server, restart all orcharhino services:
$ orcharhino-maintain service restart
In the orcharhino management UI, navigate to Infrastructure > orcharhino Proxies.
Click Refresh for the relevant orcharhino Proxy.
Setting up Salt Minions
Salt Minions require the Salt Minion client software to interact with your Salt Master.
Providing the Salt Client to Salt Minions
Provide the Salt Client to your hosts.
Create a product called
. For more information, see Creating a product. -
Create a repository within the Salt product for each operating system supported by orcharhino that you want to install the Salt Minion client software on. For more information, see Adding RPM repositories.
Add the operating system to the name of the repository, for example
Salt for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
.The URL depends on both the Salt version and the operating system, for example
. -
Synchronize the previously created products. For more information, see Synchronizing repositories.
Create a content view for each repository. For more information, see Creating a content view.
Create a composite content view for each major version of each operating system to make the new content available. For more information, see Create a composite content view.
Add each of your operating system specific Salt content views to your main composite content view for that operating system and version.
Publish a new version of the composite content view from the previous step.
Promote the content view from the previous step to your lifecycle environments as appropriate. For more information, see Promoting a content view.
Optional: Create activation keys for your composite content view and lifecycle environment combinations.
Creating a host group with Salt
You can create a host group with Salt enabled to bundle provisioning and configuration settings for hosts.
In the orcharhino management UI, navigate to Configure > Host Groups.
Click Create Host Group.
Click the Host Group tab and select a Salt Environment and a Salt Master.
Click the Salt States tab and assign Salt States to your host group.
Click the Activation Keys tab and select an activation key containing the Salt Minion client software.
Click Submit to save your host group.
Hosts deployed using this host group automatically install and configure the required Salt Minion client software and register with your Salt Master. For more information, see Creating a Host Group Managing Hosts.
Deploying Salt Minion hosts
Deploy hosts that are fully provisioned and configured for Salt usage.
A Salt Master
A Salt Environment
A content view containing the required Salt Minion client software
An activation key
A lifecycle environment
In the orcharhino management UI, navigate to Hosts > Create Host.
Select the previously created host group with Salt enabled.
Click Submit to deploy a host.
Verifying the connection between Salt Master and Salt Minions
Verify the connection between your Salt Master and Salt Minions.
Connect to your Salt Master using SSH:
$ ssh
Ping your Salt Minions:
$ salt "*"
Display all Salt Grains of all connected Salt Minions:
$ salt "*" grains.items
Using Salt
Salt Minions managed by orcharhino are associated with a Salt Master and a Salt Environment.
The associated Salt Environment within orcharhino must match the actual Salt Environment from the file_roots
option in the /etc/salt/master
You can configure hosts with Salt after they are associated with your orcharhino Server or orcharhino Proxy Server and the Salt Minion client software is installed.
Using the Salt Hammer CLI
You can use Hammer CLI to configure hosts using Salt.
Run hammer --help
for more information.
on your orcharhino Server
Creating a Salt State:
$ hammer salt-state create \ --name My_Salt_State
Viewing information about a Salt Minion:
$ hammer salt-minion info \ --name
Adding Salt States to a Salt Minion:
$ hammer salt-minion update \ --name \ --salt-states My_Salt_State
Using the Salt API
orcharhino Salt extends the orcharhino REST API with Salt-specific features.
View the full API documentation on your orcharhino Server at
to get a list of keys from$ curl -u My_User_Name:My_Password \ -H "Accept: version=2,application/json" \
Importing Salt States
A Salt State configures parts of a host, for example, a service or the installation of a package.
You can import Salt States from your Salt Master to orcharhino.
The Salt Master configuration in this guide uses a Salt Environment called base
that includes the Salt States stored in /srv/salt/
In the orcharhino management UI, navigate to Configure > Salt > States.
Click Import from FQDN.
Optional: Click Edit to assign Salt States to Salt Environments.
Optional: Click Delete to remove a Salt State from your orcharhino. This only removes the Salt State from orcharhino, not from the disk of your Salt Master.
Click Submit to import the Salt States.
After you have imported Salt States, you can assign them to hosts or Host Groups.
Salt applies these Salt States to any hosts they are assigned to every time you run state.highstate
For more information, see Running Salt.
Configure the paths for Salt States and Salt Pillars in |
Viewing Salt autosign keys
The Salt Keys page lists hosts and their Salt keys. You can manually accept, reject, or delete keys.
Use the Salt Autosign feature to automatically accept signing requests from hosts. By default, hosts are supplied with a Salt key during host provisioning.
This feature only covers the Salt Autosign using the |
In the orcharhino management UI, navigate to Infrastructure > orcharhino Proxies.
Select a orcharhino Proxy.
In the Actions drop down menu, click Salt Keys.
Enabling Salt report uploads
The Salt Master can directly upload Salt reports to orcharhino.
Connect to your Salt Master using SSH:
$ ssh
Ensure that the Salt reactor is present:
$ file /usr/share/foreman-proxy/salt/reactors/foreman_report_upload.sls
Copy report upload script:
$ cp /usr/share/foreman-proxy/salt/runners/ /srv/salt/_runners/
Restart the Salt Master service:
$ systemctl restart salt-master
Enable the new runner:
$ salt-run saltutil.sync_all
If you use a cron job to upload facts from your Salt Master to orcharhino, disable the cron job:
$ rm -f /etc/cron.d/smart_proxy_salt
Alternatively, you can upload Salt reports from your Salt Master to orcharhino manually:
$ /usr/sbin/upload-salt-reports
Viewing Salt reports
You can view uploaded Salt reports from Salt Minions in orcharhino.
To view all Salt reports, in the orcharhino management UI, navigate to Monitor > Reports > Config Management.
To view Salt reports associated with a host, in the orcharhino management UI, navigate to Hosts > All Hosts, select a host, and click the Reports tab.
Salt variables
You can configure Salt Variables within orcharhino. The configured values are available as Salt Pillar data.
Viewing ENC parameters
You can use orcharhino as an external node classifier for Salt. Click Salt ENC on the host overview page to view assigned Salt States. This shows a list of parameters that are made available for Salt usage as Salt Pillar data.
You can check what parameters are truly available on the Salt side by completing the following procedure.
Connect to your Salt Master using SSH:
$ ssh
View available ENC parameters:
$ salt '*' pillar.items
Optional: Refresh the Salt Pillar data if a parameter is missing:
$ salt '*' saltutil.refresh_pillar
Running Salt
You can run arbitrary Salt functions, such as salt.highstate
, using remote execution on one or more Salt Minions.
This applies all relevant Salt States on your hosts.
In the orcharhino management UI, navigate to Monitor > Jobs and click Run job.
If you want to run Salt highstate, select Salt as Job category and Salt Run state.highstate – Salt default as Job template and click Next.
If you want to run a Salt function, select Salt-Call as Job category and Salt Run function – SSH default as Job template and click Next.
In the Function field, enter the name of the function that you want to trigger, for example,
Select hosts on which you want to run the job. If you do not select any hosts, the job will run on all hosts you can see in the current context.
Click Next.
Optional: To configure advanced settings for the job, fill in the Advanced fields. To learn more about advanced settings, see Advanced Settings in the Job Wizard in Managing Hosts.
Click Next.
Select Immediate execution to execute the job immediately and click Next.
Review job details. You have the option to return to any part of the job wizard and edit the information.
Click Run to schedule the job for execution.
Alternatively, you can define recurrent actions using the native Salt way.
For example, you can schedule hourly state.highstate
runs on individual Salt Minions by extending /etc/salt/minion
function: state.highstate
minutes: 60
Salt example
This example uses a Salt State to manage the /etc/motd
file on one or more Salt Minions.
It demonstrates the use of orcharhino as an external node classifier and the use of Salt Grains.
Create a global parameter called
with the stringorcharhino
as its value. -
Add a new Salt State called
to your Salt Master. -
Create the
directory:$ mkdir -p /srv/salt/motd/
as a Salt State file:/etc/motd: file.managed: - user: root - group: root - mode: 0644 - source: salt://motd/motd.template - template: jinja
as a template referenced by the Salt State file:Welcome to {{ grains['fqdn'] }} Powered by {{ salt['pillar.get']('vendor_name') }}
Access the
Salt Grain from within this template and retrieve thevendor_name
parameter from the Salt Pillar. -
Import the
Salt State into orcharhino. For more information, see Importing Salt States. -
Verify that Salt has been given access to the
parameter by running either of the following commands on your Salt Master:$ salt '*' pillar.items | grep -A 1 vendor_name $ salt '*' pillar.get vendor_name
If the output does not include the value of the
parameter, you must refresh the Salt Pillar data first:$ salt '*' saltutil.refresh_pillar
For information about how to refresh Salt Pillar data, see Viewing ENC Parameters.
Add the
Salt State to your Salt Minions or a host group. -
to apply the Salt State. For more information, see Running Salt. -
Optional: Verify the contents of
on a Salt Minion.
The text and illustrations on this page are licensed by ATIX AG under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International ("CC BY-SA 4.0") license. This page also contains text from the official Foreman documentation which uses the same license ("CC BY-SA 4.0"). |