Technical Previews

orcharhino contains technical previews for testing in staging environments and to gather feedback.

  1. Technical previews may vanish at any time, at discrete decision of ATIX AG.

  2. Technical previews may alter in ways that are incompatible at any time, with respect to any aspect, including but not limited to the workflow, stored information on orcharhino Server, and to the user interface.

  3. Technical previews are not prepared for upgrade nor tested for upgrades.

Technical previews are unsupported. ATIX AG does not recommend running them in production.

KernelCare plugin

technical preview since orcharhino 6.5

The KernelCare plugin can patch the Linux kernel on hosts without rebooting them. For more information, see Using the KernelCare plugin in Managing Hosts.

If you want to test KernelCare in your staging environment, please reach out to ATIX AG about your intended usage.

Alternate Content Sources (ACS)

technical preview since orcharhino 6.6

With alternate content sources (ACS), orcharhino Proxy Servers can synchronize Deb and Yum packages from other sources than orcharhino Server. The repository metadata is always synchronized from orcharhino Server to ensure authenticity, but actual Deb and Yum packages can come from either upstream sources, a local mirror, or a CDN. For more information, see Managing alternate content sources in Managing Content.

If you want to test ACS in your staging environment, please reach out to ATIX AG about your intended usage.

Redesigned All Hosts page

technical preview since orcharhino 6.11

The orcharhino management UI contains a redesigned All Hosts page with an improved user interface. You can use columns to sort hosts, for example, by operating system or host group. You can enable this technical preview by setting Show New Host Overview Page to true. For more information, see Overview of hosts in orcharhino in Managing Hosts.

If you want to use the redesigned All Hosts page in your staging environment, please reach out to ATIX AG about your intended usage.

Resource Quota plugin

technical preview since orcharhino 7.0

You can use the Resource Quota plugin to limit users' access to host resources during host provisioning. For more information, see Limiting host resources in Administering orcharhino.

If you want to use the Resource Quota plugin in your staging environment, please reach out to ATIX AG about your intended usage.