Building cloud images for orcharhino
Use this section to build and register images to orcharhino.
You can use a preconfigured SUSE Linux Enterprise Server KVM guest QCOW2 image:
These images contain cloud-init
To function properly, they must use ec2-compatible metadata services for provisioning an SSH key.
For the KVM guest images:
Creating custom SUSE Linux Enterprise Server images
Use a Linux host machine to create an image. In this example, we use a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 7 Workstation.
on your workstation to complete this procedure. If you create the image on a remote server, connect to the server from your workstation withvirt-manager
. -
A SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 7 or 6 ISO file (see SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 7.4 Binary DVD or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 6.9 Binary DVD).
For more information about installing a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Workstation, see the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 7 Installation Guide.
Before you can create custom images, install the following packages:
, and graphical tools:$ yum install virt-manager virt-viewer libvirt qemu-kvm
Install the following command line tools:
$ yum install virt-install libguestfs-tools-c
In the following procedures, enter all commands with the |
Supported clients in registration
orcharhino supports the following operating systems and architectures for registration.
- Supported host operating systems
The hosts can use the following operating systems:
Amazon Linux
Oracle Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Rocky Linux
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
- Supported host architectures
The hosts can use the following architectures:
x86_64/amd64 is supported for all operating systems
aarch64 and ppc64le is supported for certain operating systems
For more information, see orcharhino Clients gen2 in the ATIX Service Portal.
Configuring a host for registration
Configure your host for registration to orcharhino Server or orcharhino Proxy Server. You can use a configuration management tool to configure multiple hosts at once.
The host must be using a supported operating system. For more information, see supported clients in registration.
The system clock on your orcharhino Server and any orcharhino Proxy Servers must be synchronized across the network. If the system clock is not synchronized, SSL certificate verification might fail. For example, you can use the Chrony suite for timekeeping.
Enable and start a time-synchronization tool on your host. The host must be synchronized with the same NTP server as orcharhino Server and any orcharhino Proxy Servers.
On SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 7 and later:
$ systemctl enable --now chronyd
On SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 6:
$ chkconfig --add ntpd $ chkconfig ntpd on $ service ntpd start
Deploy the SSL CA file on your host so that the host can make a secured registration call.
Find where orcharhino stores the SSL CA file by navigating to Administer > Settings > Authentication and locating the value of the SSL CA file setting.
Transfer the SSL CA file to your host securely, for example by using
. -
Login to your host by using SSH.
Copy the certificate to the truststore:
On SUSE Linux Enterprise Server:
$ cp My_SSL_CA_file.pem /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors
Update the truststore:
On SUSE Linux Enterprise Server:
$ update-ca-trust
Registering a host
You can register a host by using registration templates and set up various integration features and host tools during the registration process.
Your orcharhino account has the Register hosts role assigned or a role with equivalent permissions.
You must have root privileges on the host that you want to register.
You have configured the host for registration. For more information, see Configuring a Host for Registration.
You must either install
on the host that you want to register. -
orcharhino Server, any orcharhino Proxy Servers, and your host must be synchronized with the same NTP server, and have a time synchronization tool enabled and running.
An activation key must be available for your host. For more information, see Managing Activation Keys in Managing Content.
orcharhino Client for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server repository for the operating system version of the host is synchronized on orcharhino Server and enabled in the activation key you use.
If you want to use orcharhino Proxy Servers instead of your orcharhino Server, ensure that you have configured your orcharhino Proxy Servers accordingly. For more information, see Configuring orcharhino Proxy for Host Registration and Provisioning in Installing orcharhino Proxy Server.
If your orcharhino Server or orcharhino Proxy Server is behind an HTTP proxy, configure the Subscription Manager on your host to use the HTTP proxy for connection.
You have configured the operating system entry on orcharhino for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.
You can use a script to add operating system entries to your orcharhino Server.
On your orcharhino Server, uncomment the operating systems and orcharhino Client for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server that you want to add in
, replace the default organization and location names, and run/opt/orcharhino/automation/
. For more information, see/usr/share/orcharhino-ansible/
on your orcharhino Server. -
Ensure that you have synchronized the required content to orcharhino. The following table shows a list of required Yum repositories to register hosts running SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.
Operating system Products in SCC Manager Content on orcharhino SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5 x86_64
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5 x86_64
>SLES12-SP5-Pool for sle-12-x86_64
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 x86_64
includingBasesystem Module 15 SP2 x86_64
andPython 2 Module 15 SP2 x86_64
Basesystem Module 15 SP2 x86_64
>SLE-Module-Basesystem15-SP2-Pool for sle-15-x86_64
Python 2 Module 15 SP2 x86_64
>SLE-Module-Python2-15-SP2-Pool for sle-15-x86_64
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 x86_64
>SLE-Product-SLES15-SP2-Pool for sle-15-x86_64
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 x86_64
includingBasesystem Module 15 SP3 x86_64
andPython 2 Module 15 SP3 x86_64
Basesystem Module 15 SP3 x86_64
>SLE-Module-Basesystem15-SP3-Pool for sle-15-x86_64
Python 2 Module 15 SP3 x86_64
>SLE-Module-Python2-15-SP3-Pool for sle-15-x86_64
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 x86_64
>SLE-Product-SLES15-SP3-Pool for sle-15-x86_64
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 x86_64
includingBasesystem Module 15 SP4 x86_64
Basesystem Module 15 SP4 x86_64
>SLE-Module-Basesystem15-SP4-Pool for sle-15-x86_64
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 x86_64
>SLE-Product-SLES15-SP4-Pool for sle-15-x86_64
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5 x86_64
includingBasesystem Module 15 SP5 x86_64
Basesystem Module 15 SP5 x86_64
>SLE-Module-Basesystem15-SP5-Pool for sle-15-x86_64
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5 x86_64
>SLE-Product-SLES15-SP5-Pool for sle-15-x86_64
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP6
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP6 x86_64
includingBasesystem Module 15 SP6 x86_64
Basesystem Module 15 SP6 x86_64
>SLE-Module-Basesystem15-SP6-Pool for sle-15-x86_64
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP6 x86_64
>SLE-Product-SLES15-SP6-Pool for sle-15-x86_64
You can use the SCC Manager plugin to import SUSE products and repositories. For more information, see Managing SUSE content in Managing Content.
In the orcharhino management UI, navigate to Hosts > Register Host.
Enter the details for how you want the registered hosts to be configured.
On the General tab, in the Activation Keys field, enter one or more activation keys to assign to hosts.
If you want to use
to register your host to orcharhino, selectwget
in the Download Utility dropdown. By default, orcharhino generates acurl
command. -
If your host does not trust the SSL certificate of your orcharhino Server, select the Insecure option. During the first call, your host downloads the CA file from orcharhino. Your host will use this CA file to connect to orcharhino Server with all future calls.
ATIX AG recommends that you avoid insecure calls.
If an attacker, located in the network between orcharhino and your host, fetches the CA file from the first insecure call, the attacker will be able to access the content of the API calls to and from your host and the JSON Web Tokens (JWT). Therefore, if you have chosen to deploy SSH keys during registration, the attacker will be able to access your host using the SSH key.
In the Repositories field, click Add repositories for registration.
On the Repository list window, add content that is required before performing the registration. For example, it can be useful to make the
package available for the purpose of the registration.-
In the Repository field, enter a repository to be added before the registration is performed. For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, enter the path to the orcharhino Client for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server repository, for example
. -
Optional: In the Repository GPG key URL field, specify the public key to verify the signatures of GPG-signed packages. It needs to be specified in the ASCII form with the GPG public key header.
You do not have to specify repositories if you provide them in an activation key. To verify synchronized Yum content, you can use orcharhino API to get associated GPG public keys of repositories. For example,
. -
Optional: In the Token lifetime (hours) field, change the validity duration of the JSON Web Token (JWT) that orcharhino uses for authentication. The duration of this token defines how long the generated registration command works. You can set the duration to 0 – 999 999 hours or unlimited.
Note that orcharhino applies the permissions of the user who generates the registration command to authorization of your host. If the user loses or gains additional permissions, the permissions of the JWT change too. Therefore, do not delete, block, or change permissions of the user during the token duration.
The scope of the JWTs is limited to the registration endpoints only and cannot be used anywhere else.
Click Generate.
Copy the generated registration command.
On the host that you want to register, run the copied command as
Use the
hammer host-registration generate-command
to generate the registration command to register the host. -
On the host that you want to register, run the registration command as
For more information, see the Hammer CLI help with hammer host-registration generate-command --help
Use the
For more information, see the Ansible module documentation with ansible-doc "`theforeman.foreman`".registration_command
Use the
POST /api/registration_commands
For more information, see the full API reference at
Installing and configuring Puppet agent manually
You can install and configure the Puppet agent on a host manually. A configured Puppet agent is required on the host for Puppet integration with your orcharhino. For more information about Puppet, see Configuring hosts by using Puppet.
Puppet must be enabled in your orcharhino. For more information, see Enabling Puppet Integration with orcharhino in Configuring hosts by using Puppet.
The host must have a Puppet environment assigned to it.
Ensure a repository containing the Puppet agent is enabled on the host, for example Puppet agent for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.
Log in to the host as the
user. -
Install the Puppet agent package:
$ zypper install puppet-agent
Add the Puppet agent to
in your current shell using the following script:. /etc/profile.d/
Configure the Puppet agent. Set the
parameter to the name of the Puppet environment to which the host belongs:$ puppet config set server --section agent $ puppet config set environment My_Puppet_Environment --section agent
Start the Puppet agent service:
$ puppet resource service puppet ensure=running enable=true
Create a certificate for the host:
$ puppet ssl bootstrap
In the orcharhino management UI, navigate to Infrastructure > orcharhino Proxies.
From the list in the Actions column for the required orcharhino Proxy Server, select Certificates.
Click Sign to the right of the required host to sign the SSL certificate for the Puppet agent.
On the host, run the Puppet agent again:
$ puppet ssl bootstrap
Next steps
Repeat the procedures for every image that you want to provision with orcharhino.
Move the image to the location where you want to store for future use.
The text and illustrations on this page are licensed by ATIX AG under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International ("CC BY-SA 4.0") license. This page also contains text from the official Foreman documentation which uses the same license ("CC BY-SA 4.0"). |