orcharhino Management UI
This chapter of the documentation deals with the orcharhino management UI, which stands for management user interface.
You can access the management UI through a web browser with your user account and password. It represents the main way for users to interact with orcharhino. To access orcharhino’s management UI, we recommend using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome in their latest version.

Click the hamburger icon to minimize the menu items on the left.
Click on either your organization and location to switch contexts.
The context menu is named dynamically based on your currently selected context. The term context refers to a tuple consisting of an organization and a location.
Click on the submenu to view a list of available organizations and locations or to change your organization or location context. You can also select
Any Organization
orAny Location
to view entities irrespective of any context affiliation. -
The notification icon indicates any notifications for your user account.
Click on the user menu to edit your user account or log out from orcharhino.
Your user access to orcharhino is restricted based on context. orcharhino users can only see entities that belong to a context that they themselves are assigned to. As a result, context is considered part of orcharhino’s user management.
For more information, see the Managing users and roles in Administering orcharhino.
You can use context to provide an organizational structure within orcharhino to mirror your real world organizational structure by grouping entities like hosts, users, compute resources, installation media, and more a structured way. You can use organization and location context to assign each department within your organization their own organization context and assign each physical location like different data centres or branch offices or logical location like internal and external services or a DMZ their own location context.
Almost every entity in orcharhino is affiliated with at least one organization and location. Organizations and locations are part of orcharhino’s user management because entities and users can generally only access resources within their own context. For example, a user belonging to the internal location, would be unable to access a DNS service which is exclusively assigned to the DMZ location and vice versa.
You can structure locations hierarchically by providing a parent location. Sub locations inherit the settings from their parent location, but you can overwrite specific values.
Creating an Organization or Location that contains white space or non ASCII characters has been known to cause bugs. Please choose a single word that does not include umlauts or special characters. |
Testing Systems
Production Systems
Testing Systems
Production Systems
A context involving a structured location is displayed as organization@parent_location/sub_location
in the orcharhino management UI.