Updating orcharhino Subscription Keys

You need a valid orcharhino Subscription Key to run orcharhino. You can view the number of managed hosts and the available time period within orcharhino to ensure you stay compliant with your orcharhino subscription. If you have any questions regarding your orcharhino Subscription Key or orcharhino subscriptions in general, please contact us.

Retrieving Number of Managed Hosts

You can view the number of managed hosts to verify that you are compliant with your orcharhino usage.

  1. In the orcharhino management UI, navigate to Administer > orcharhino subscription.

  2. Compare the values for Subscription valid for hosts and Number of managed hosts.

Uploading an orcharhino Subscription Key

Upload your orcharhino Subscription Key to verify that the usage is compliant with your orcharhino subscription.

  1. In the orcharhino management UI, navigate to Administer > orcharhino subscription.

  2. Click Upload subscription key.

  3. Select your orcharhino Subscription Key from your local machine.

  4. Click Upload to upload your orcharhino Subscription Key to orcharhino.

Noticing Invalid orcharhino Subscription Keys

If your orcharhino Subscription Key is expired or otherwise invalid, orcharhino will be red in the top left corner. For more information on why your orcharhino Subscription Key is invalid, navigate to Administer > orcharhino subscription.

Updating Your orcharhino Subscription Key

  1. In the orcharhino management UI, navigate to Administer > orcharhino subscription.

  2. Click Upload subscription key.

  3. Select your orcharhino Subscription Key from your local machine.

  4. Click Upload to update your orcharhino Subscription Key.